Full Guide To Very Cheap Web Hosting
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People that have enough experience on the web to understand how websites work and how useful they can be in the long term end up deciding to make a website of their own if they wish to make an online presence or wish to represent something that deserves attention (i.e. company or affiliate).
Beginning your journey to making a fully-fledged website can be quite lengthy and it depends on your knowledge and experience. Of course the first step in getting started is to conceptualize and create your website locally so that all the pages in the site are prepared when the website is launched.
Although this step may take a short or long time depending on the size of the website, the real challenge lies on finding a place where your website will be.
This place is known as a web hosting provider and it will be the service that you entrust your website to. A web host may have one or more servers that are usually online 24 hours a day so that sites stored in that server remain accessible.
The most reliable web hosting companies are the ones that charge on monthly and yearly rates and while these rates can be cheap, it is best to start off with a free solution or a very cheap web hosting solution depending on the kind of site you should set up.
This guide should get your website up and running on a very cheap web hosting that is reliable enough for any beginner site to handle.
1. Deciding if you should go the Free Route
The cheapest web hosting services are the ones that charge nothing and do not place any advertisements on your pages. However, they have limited features compared to the cheapest paid web hosting plans.
Their limited features may vary from service to service, but overall, it is best to go the free route if you are setting up a personal website or setting up a new website that nobody knows about yet.
Websites can take awhile to grow and it is in most cases unnecessary to pay for a web hosting plan and spend the first couple of months promoting your site unless you are expecting lots of traffic to your site within a short period of time.
Simply evaluate your website, know how much traffic you are expecting and when. You should also know what type of content you are distributing because most free hosting providers are unreliable when it comes to multimedia hosting and streaming.
You can find plenty of free web hosting providers just by searching in your favorite search engine. Proceed to the next step if free web hosting isn’t suitable for your site.
2. Classifying your Site
Classifying your website isn’t about simply saying that it is for business or personal use.
You need to classify it based on the size of your site, expected traffic, content, and any web applications involved if any. Knowing these things early can help you filter the cheap web hosting services that have all the specifications that you need to have your website up and running.
Remember that web hosting costs money and setting it up can take some time so you should make sure that the web hosting provider that you sign up for is really the one you want to stay with for awhile. Jot down notes of your specifications so you can use them for comparing in the next step.
3. Searching for Cheap Web Hosting Sites
You can take all the time you want for this step because there are literally thousands of web companies scattered across the globe and picking the right one can be tough. The technique is to choose a web company that meets your requirements and has a proven track record of being a reliable host.
Knowing where to search is also important because there are a number of web hosting provider websites that are disguised as scams.
Searching for a cheap web hosting company could be as easy as typing in the keywords in your favorite search engine and checking out the topic search results.
This could be effective depending on your chosen keywords, but very common keywords may mislead you to more expensive services. To get real information, the best places to look for cheap web hosting sites is in article directories, blogs, and forums.
Article directories are good sources because these services have certain rules that prevent spammers from posting illegitimate web hosting sites. If you are lucky, you might find some articles where the author is evaluating multiple cheap web hosting services that can help you decide what is best for you.
Blogs give you better results if you find the ones that are popular. Just make sure that you read the recent articles as old articles may have outdated information regarding the services that the web hosting company offers.
Community forums are perhaps the most reliable because you can interact with other people like yourself. Try to find a forum that talks about web-related topics and ask for advice on what cheap web hosting solutions are available.
While you wait for an answer, you can participate in other areas of the forum just so people will be convinced that you are there to help as well. If you don’t find much luck, you can always register in other forums.
4. Evaluating and Researching your Options
After spending enough time with the 3rd step, you should have some choices of some nice affordable web hosting services. Now all you need to do is evaluate these options and choose which host best suits your website.
Run a background check by using the domain or site name as keywords and find comments about that hosting provider. Always choose the one that has the most position reception even if there is some bad reception as that is normal.
Once you are done, you can proceed to registering in your new-found cheap hosting provider that you can use until you have enough money to expand and find a better web hosting solution in the future.